Network Rebuild Project
Development of a segmented internal network and data flow to be able to handle high rates of power data as well as over 100 WiFi network devices.
This page showcases a project report presented to a company for a network upgrade build-out that would be able to sustain the NODES and CHARGES projects as well as EMS R&D and testing well into the future.
Project Showcase
Networked Planned: July 2017
Network Update Completed: Spring 2018
This project ultimately created a network and server sand-box in which GRID and Off-GRID power and cyber-security research, development, testing, and industry instruction could be conducted. This network has since been updated in several iterations created, managed, and maintained by Joshua and his team. At present, the network includes numerous external connections that have in the past and/or currently control energy systems and test beds in places like TTU GLEAMM and MIT-LL.